Lecture session C1L-A / 9:00am – 10:15am
Emerging Technologies
Clic here for detailed information (including list of authors and abstrtact, clic on the paper number)
Clic on the title link below to view the video presentations of each papers:
(the links will be live starting June 12, 2020)
9:00am – 5088 Designing Stochastic Number Generators Sharing a Random Number Source Based on the Randomization Function
9:12am – 5111 Towards GaN500-Based High Temperature ICs: Characterization and Modeling Up to 600°C
9:24am – 5139 Exploring Quantization in Few-Shot Learning
9:36am – 5140 Design of an Energy-Efficient True Random Number Generator Based on Triple Read-Write Data-Stream Multiplexing of MTJ Devices
9:48am – 5124 Heterogeneous Distributed SRAM Configuration for Energy-Efficient Deep CNN Accelerators
10:00am – 5158 A High Dynamic Range High Speed Pixel Operating at 100 Million Frames Per Second